Archived News
- 28th Jun: Hyde Hall
- 20th Jun: Bike Maintenance
- 14th Jun: Work Placement
- 10th Jun: Lifeskills
- 23rd May: Ofsted
- 8th May: Bangladesh Week
- 24th Apr: 6th form Trip to Barcelona
- 22nd Apr: National supported Internship
- 16th Apr: Year 9 Enterprise day
- 20th Mar: Sixth Form Drama
- 8th Mar: World Book Day
- 1st Mar: Come down to Aspire cafe!
- 20th Feb: Young Voices
- 7th Feb: Ski Trip to Italy
- 24th Jan: GCSE Art
- 8th Jan: Food Bank Donations
- 18th Dec: New Variety Bus
- 15th Dec: Swimming success
- 4th Dec: Education Awards
- 27th Nov: York class decorate Christmas Tree
- 17th Nov: Year 12 Students partake in "Talk the Talk" workshop by Jack Petchey
- 16th Nov: Education Provider of the Year
- 13th Nov: Welcome to our new website!
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